woman driving a car with power steering

Without steering and suspension systems, Hays County, Texas motorists wouldn’t be able to get from Point A to Point B. Your steering system is responsible for changing your vehicle’s direction, while the suspension system maximizes car safety and stability. But just like any other automotive system, suspension and steering systems can encounter unexpected problems. Here,…

A mechanic inspecting a lifted vehicle's suspension system

The suspension system of your vehicle gives you a smooth riding experience when you are on the road. The design of the suspension system varies from one vehicle to another, depending on make and model. What all suspension systems have in common is that their parts are based on the principles of spring and damping…

Mechanic adjusting a car suspension

According to mechanics, if there’s one area that people are most confused about in their cars, it’s the suspension system. Car owners generally only know that shock absorbers are supposed to smooth out the ride. Here we discuss how a vehicle’s suspension works and why it’s important. Your car’s suspension system is essentially designed to…

Suspension on a car

Even the best built-to-last vehicles will undergo a great deal of wear and tear over time. As your suspension system is tasked to support your heavy vehicle going high speeds over imperfectly paved roads, it is no wonder that eventually it begins to wear out. While the most commonly known job for your vehicle’s suspension…

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