Windshield wipers

When it comes to vehicle maintenance, oil changes and engine checks usually come to mind, but most people tend to forget about their windshield wipers. Because windshield wiping involves relatively simple work and the wipers aren’t used that frequently, it may seem like they don’t require that much maintenance. But wipers are a crucial component…

Under the hood view of a truck

If you have ever taken your car in for a tune-up or to get regular maintenance done, then you have more than likely been told that you should get at least one of your car’s filters changed. If you are a good car owner, then you probably went along with it and got them changed,…

Close-up of a vehicle's transmission

The best way to compare your car’s transmission to another object with a similar purpose would be to think of how the skeleton of a human body works in general. Much like how the human skeleton keeps the human body moving, a transmission helps keep the car working as it should. Both objects also need…

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